Welcome to UWALS, the Upper Wharfedale Arts and Literature Society

Upper Wharfedale is a large rural area with little access to the Arts & Literature facilities enjoyed by urban communities. The Upper Wharfedale Arts and Literature Society, UWALS, aims to improve access to art and literature within the Upper Wharfedale area by the provision and support of lectures, performances, talks, workshops and other associated activities.

You can contact us by email uwalsociety@gmail.com


Wednesday 27th  November 7pm at Conistone with Kilnsey Hall.

We are very pleased to have Dr. Malcolm Petyt speak to us . He will explore what is covered by the term “dialect” and how Emily Bronte displays many features of her local dialect in Wuthering Heights.


More details on the What's On page.


2024 Photography Workshop 


Details of a new Christmas Photography workshop to be found on the What's On pages.

Presenting the Past

If you missed the exhibition weekends don't worry, you can enjoy much of it here:

The Photo Archive

The Film of the Project

The Interviews